To get started you will need to download the Engine Desktop software onto your computer. The latest version can be found below:
Once you have the Engine Desktop software installed on your computer, connect the drive you wish to use with your Engine hardware. The drive will need to be formatted to Fat32 or exFat. For larger libraries and storage capacities of 1tb or higher, we recommend exFat for optimal performance.
*Please note if you have a drive that needs to be reformatted, the process will wipe the drive clean of all data, so be sure to backup your files elsewhere if necessary.
The article below will help if you need assistance formatting your drive.
Once the drive has been formatted, we can add music to our Engine Collection and export to the drive.
Open Engine Desktop, click on the gear icon to open the settings menu, and under the Library tab, confirm Auto Analysis is enabled.
Then, using File Explorer on Windows or Finder on Mac, drag and drop your music directly into your Engine Collection, and the tracks will analyze. You can create a playlist in Engine and drag and drop individual tracks, or drag and drop entire folders at once. Subfolders will also be imported.

While your tracks are analyzing, it will be reflected by the progress bar in the bottom right corner of your screen. Once analysis is complete, you will see No Jobs Running.
Now you are ready to export to a drive. The following link will go over how to use Sync Manager to export your files.
After you have exported and safely ejected your drive, it is ready be used with your Engine hardware. If you require further assistance, please
open a support ticket.