What’s new in Engine DJ 2.0

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Creativity Redefined

Introducing Engine DJ 2.0, a defining milestone in the ever-evolving evolution of software-driven solutions for DJs. 2.0 brings a wealth of new features, stability, and performance updates, giving DJs a more powerful, creative, and reliable experience.

What's New In Engine DJ 2.0 - DESKTOP

Engine Desktop - Playlists
NEW PLAYLISTS – Playlist and Crates are now combined into a single comprehensive list (Playlists), taking along with it the best aspects of both list types. Lists can be nested, reordered, and contain tracks from multiple drives. The tracks within a Playlist can be sorted and reordered as you need. Packed tracks from removable drives no longer show as duplicates in the home collection.

Engine Desktop - Database
NEW DATABASE – Both platforms have had a complete new database code written from the ground up, giving each platform new possibilities. File analysis is even faster, searching is quicker, database sizes are smaller, and stability is even more improved.   This new database gives both Engine DJ OS and Engine Desktop a more reliable, faster, flexible foundation that will continue to ever-evolve.

Engine DJ Desktop - Export SoundSwitch
SOUNDSWITCH DATA EXPORTSoundSwitch users can now export their venue and light show data via the Sync Manager. Once the export option has been enabled, a SoundSwitch metadata column will be available in the library. Tracks with auto or customized light shows (scripts) will show a dot in this column.

UPDATED USER INTERFACE – The 2.0 interface has been redesigned to provide a more intuitive and creative workflow giving you a more streamlined experience so you can focus on the important stuff - enhancing your creative mixing.

PLAY HISTORY UPGRADES – History lists from connected drives are now automatically added to the home collection and can be viewed from the new History tab without the drive connected. History lists also include the Start Time of when the track was played on an Engine OS device and can be easily imported as Playlists via right-click.

APPLE M1 COMPATIBILITY – Engine DJ 2.0 is now compatible with Apple computer models with M1 processors.

THIRD-PARTY LIBRARY UPGRADES – Third-party music Collections can now be imported in full via right-click on the respective Collection list. Crate/Playlist play order, as well as Cue/Loop color, are now retained on import.

REKORDBOX IMPORT UPGRADES – Users now have an option to import either Memory Cues/Loops or HotCues/Loops when importing rekordbox tracks into Engine DJ.

DRAG AND DROP FOLDER IMPORT – Dragging a file system folder with subfolders into Engine will create a new Playlist tree mirroring the folder structure and contents.

To download Engine DJ 2.0 for Desktop and see the complete list of new features, fixes and improvements, please click the link below.

Download Engine DJ

Please note that both Desktop and OS require updating 2.0 to be compatible. For full details please refer to the release notes on the downloads page.

What's New In Engine DJ 2.0 - OS

Engine DJ OS - SoundSwitch
ENGINE LIGHTING BY SOUNDSWITCH – With built-in lighting, Engine DJ OS devices automatically sync music with DMX and Philips Hue lights direct from the unit. Engine Lighting offers a dedicated ‘Basic’ and ‘Pro’ user interface allowing users to control Autoloops, light intensity, and perform various color and movement override FX all from the touchscreen. Watch DMX | Watch Phillips Hue

Engine DJ OS - Ableton Link
ABLETON LINK COMPATIBILITY – Users can now sync tempo with external hardware using Ableton Link over both wired and wireless networks. A first for hardware to connect wirelessly to other hardware via Ableton, this new feature allows DJs to seamlessly introduce live production elements into their performance. Take your live set up to the next level. Watch Video

Engine Desktop - Playlists
NEW PLAYLISTS – Playlist and Crates are now combined into a single comprehensive list (Playlists), taking along with it the best aspects of both list types. The new streamlined Playlists allow DJs to organise their music in a more effective way to allow more time to be being creative and perform.

NEW DATABASE – The new 2.0 database offers faster browsing, analyzing, enhanced stability, and a smaller database. This allows the user to pack more tracks faster than the previous database.

NEW CONTROL CENTER MENU – The new swipe-down Control Center menu has been unified across all Engine OS products offering a more intuitive layout and improved workflow over various performance and device-specific settings.

PLAYLIST DECK – Users can now assign a deck as a Playlist Player providing continuous playback with automated crossfading. The crossfade time can be adjusted in the Control Center settings menu. Playlist Deck is available for PRIME 4, PRIME 2, and PRIME GO.

STREAMING SERVICE UPGRADES – Streaming services have been expanded with track list preview, prepare list inclusion, and continuous playback with crossfading via the Playlist Deck.

NEW ONBOARD CLOCK – The new onboard clock offers automatic time zone syncing and aids in providing detailed History lists with the played track start time.

NEW DEMO TRACKS – These new tracks assist users in sound checks and in-store demos. Demo tracks are removed once a source has been selected and can be disabled from the User Profile Preferences.

To download Engine DJ 2.0 OS for your hardware and see a complete list of new features, fixes and improvements, please click the link below.

Download Engine DJ OS

Please note that both Desktop and OS require updating 2.0 to be compatible. For full details please refer to the release notes on the downloads page.

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